Betacam PALsite is the fourth PALsite and aims to provide information about the Sony Betacam broadcast video format. We are pleased to be able to present Betacam PALsite and it is hoped that people will find it a useful resource. We are regularly contacted by people who confuse Betacam with Betamax and we hope that this site will make clear that the two formats are distinct. Betacam PALsite does not intend to be a definitive Betacam resource. Instead we hope to offer a flavour of the features and extent of the format as well as a forum for all those who have interested in the format. The Betacam format is still being developing and full information is available from manufacturers and equipment dealers.

Betacam PALsite is run on a good will basis by Alan Barnett and Martin Evans. All original material is © and unless otherwise stated should not be used without permission. Sony ®, Betacam ® and Dolby ® are registered trademarks of Sony Corporation and Dolby Labs respectively. We acknowledge the contribution made by LRC Video in supporting this PALsite.

Betacam PALsite first went on line 25th August 2000 at, and

Help PALsite Alan and Martin are always pleased to hear from fellow enthusiasts. Please feel free to contact us any time and if we can help we will. Contributions to PALsite are most welcome and will be included with pleasure. We do not consider the site complete and would appreciate any offer of help to expand the site.

E-mail Alan at [email protected] and Martin at [email protected].